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Subsidised Training

You may be eligible for subsidised training if you live or work in South Australia, and are:

  • an Australian or New Zealand citizen
  • a permanent Australian resident, or
  • an eligible visa holder 

You also need to be:

For adult learners

  • 16 years or over and not enrolled at school, or

For those still at school

  • 16 or turning 16 years of age in the current year of enrolment and enrolled in Year 11, 12 or 13 doing SACE or an equivalent or
  • enrolled in Year 10, 11 or 12 and employed in a Training Contract that combines VET and SACE or school-based curriculum.
Options for school students


What is standard entitlement?

Standard entitlement refers to your entitlement to access a subsidised training place based on your highest level of education and your employment status.

Right now, if you are not enrolled at school, you can access subsidised training no matter what training history or prior qualifications you may have.

In the future, your highest level of non-school education and employment status at the time you first enrol will be relevant. Updates will be provided once this is required.

If you are enrolled in school you can complete up one Certificate II and one Certificate III course, but not at the same time.

For full details, including visa eligibility, please see the Skills SA website.

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