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If you have been accepted to study at TAFE SA you will need to apply for a student visa. See Department of Home Affairs. Please note that you should not apply for your visa until you have received your Certificate of Enrolment from TAFE SA.

Your student visa is subject to a number of visa conditions that you must comply with whilst in Australia studying.   It is your responsibility to ensure that your passport and student visa remain current and that you apply for any renewal or extensions before it expires.

While studying in Australia, you must continue to satisfy the requirements of your visa. Your principal course of study must continue to be a course in the education sector that matches your visa. 

Most student visas require that you (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Remain enrolled, full time, in a registered course of study with a COE document
  • Maintain satisfactory attendance in your course
  • Maintain satisfactory academic course progress in your course
  • Ensure that any online units do not exceed one third (33%) of your total course
  • That no more than 28 day calendar gap between periods of enrolment, except for the summer holidays break
  • Complete your program within the duration of your COE. Your COE will only be extended on compassionate or compelling grounds (for example, if part of an intervention strategy)
  • are able to support yourself financially during your stay
  • meet certain health requirements
  • Continue to hold Overseas Student Health Cover (OHSC) for the entire length of your visa (for yourself and all dependants/family members included on your visa).
  • Not work for more than 48 hours per fortnight when your program is in session (as per the formal TAFE SA term dates/SA School Holiday/Term dates). You cannot start working before your program commences.
  • Notify the International Unit within seven days of your Adelaide based residential address after arrival in Australia, by lodging a change of address form
  • Update your address within seven days of any change of residential address through the duration of your study.

Please Note: under 18 year old international students have additional requirements. See Students Under 18 Years

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