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TAFE SA courses for school students - Year 10 to 13

TAFE SA courses give students the opportunity to learn specific industry skills and gain credit towards a nationally recognised qualification whilst undertaking their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).


Our courses are designed in partnership with industry to give students the practical, hands-on skills and experience that employers value. Students gain access to our state-of-the art facilities and learn from industry experts, ensuring they graduate with the competitive edge.

There are three different ways for school students to study with us:

  • Through the SA Government’s subsidised Flexible Industry Programs (FIP)
  • School based Apprenticeship or Traineeship
  • Stackable VET Program

Flexible Industry Programs

Flexible Industry Programs (also known as FIPs), include VET qualifications at Certificate II and III levels that industry considers suitable for school students. They also include employability skills specific industry requirements linked to the program. 

To study a FIP course, you must be either an Australian citizen, permanent resident or an eligible VISA holder. You must also be in Year 11 to 13, studying SACE or equivalent, and 16 years old or turning 16 during Year 11. As part of the Department for Education VET for Secondary Schools policy, all students wishing to undertake a FIP course, need to undergo the VET Readiness Orientation (VETRO) process which includes an Upfront Assessment of Need (UAN), Induction and Orientation to VET.

FIPs include: 

  • Building & Construction
  • Business
  • Community Services
  • Hair & Beauty
  • Health & Lifestyle
  • Hospitality & Tourism
  • Information Technology
  • Mining, Engineering & Automotive
  • Primary Industries & Science

Specialised courses for secondary students
('Stackable VET')

As well as the qualifications available through the State Government’s Flexible Industry Program, TAFE SA offers accredited courses especially for high school students in Year 10 to 12. These courses are part of the South Australian Government’s ‘Stackable VET’ program and provide students with highly valued vocational skills, prepare them for the workplace and allow them to try out different areas before committing to a qualification. ‘Stackable VET’ courses may also earn credit towards a student’s SACE.

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Discover a career that suits you! A School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT) is a great way to finish your schooling whilst getting a head start in your chosen career. 

A School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT) allows you to begin an apprenticeship or traineeship in Years 10, 11 or 12, combining paid employment and structured work-related training as part of your South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

SBATs are a pathway to employment in a trade or occupation, self-employment, further training or higher education.

VET Coordinator

How to apply

  1. The first step is to meet with your schools VET coordinator or career advisor.  Your VET Coordinator will explain how the VET for School Students courses can contribute towards your schooling.
  2. They’ll help you to complete your paperwork and online VET referral.
  3. After we receive your VET referral, we’ll be in touch with your VET Coordinator to discuss the VETRO process.

Need help?

If you need more information about TAFE SA’s courses for school students contact us on 1800 882 661.

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