Welcome to all VET Coordinators

We understand the importance of guiding school students through application, enrolment and making sure they have everything they need to succeed in their studies. On this page, you’ll find everything you need to make the process as smooth as possible for you and your students.

TAFE SA secondary school courses are designed for students in Year 10 to Year 13. They provide the opportunity to learn specific industry skills and gain credit towards a nationally recognised qualification whilst undertaking their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). 

The VET for School Students guide outlines the types of study available through TAFE SA and includes application and onboarding information.


Flexible Industry Programs

Flexible Industry Program (FIP) courses are full qualifications that are subsidised by the Government of South Australia.

To be eligible for subsidised training in a FIP course, you must be either an Australian citizen, permanent resident or an eligible VISA holder. You must also be in Year 11 to 13, studying SACE or equivalent, and 16 years old or turning 16 during Year 11. As part of the new Department for Education VET for Schools policy, all students wishing to undertake a FIP course, need to undergo the VET Readiness Orientation (VETRO) process which includes an Upfront Assessment of Need (UAN), Induction and Orientation to VET.

Please refer to TAFE SA’s VETRO Process Map for more details.

VET Readiness Orientation (VETRO)

To ensure students’ readiness to commence a VET program, the VET Readiness Orientation (VETRO) has been developed by the Department of Education and Skills SA (Department for State Development).

VETRO incorporates an Upfront Assessment of Needs (UAN), induction and orientation to VET to ensure that students enrol in a course that is right for them and has their personal and learning support needs planned for.

VETRO will determine a student’s readiness to commence a VET pathway and identify any support that a student may need to commence vocational training.

How to apply

A successfully lodged VETRO application to TAFE SA includes:

Further requirements:


VETRO Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment

Students wishing to apply for a VET for Secondary Schools place (VFSS) must undertake a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment as part of their VETRO requirements.

From 29 July 2024 the primary model for students undertaking LLN Assessments will be by school based invigilation. Schools are able to conduct LLN Assessment sessions at their school, at a time that suits the school, through this school based invigilation process.


Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment

The LLN assessment is a combined Snapshot Reading and Numeracy Indicator (SRNI) and Core Skills Profile for Adults (CSPA) assessment. Completing the LLN Assessment assists TAFE SA and the school identify support needs and suitability to undertake the qualification in line with Skills SA requirements.

Students are guided through the LLN modules as per their reading and numeracy levels. Please allow up to three hours for completion of the LLN assessment.

Practice LLN Assessment Material

LLN result categories are:

  • No Gaps – results indicate the reading and numeracy levels are ACSF exit level 2
  • Minor Gaps – the school will need to submit a Support Plan Agreement
  • Significant Gaps – foundation skills development needed to be developed through the school before the school student can re-apply

Please refer to pages 9 – 10 of the VETRO UAN Guidelines for more information regarding the LLN result categories.

Reasonable Adjustments

Staff can advise TAFE SA of any reasonable adjustments for a student undertaking the LLN.  This includes reasonable adjustments for students with disability or support needs, or for variations from the primary invigilation model (students can undertake the LLN assessment in person at a local TAFE SA campus or via an online Collaborate session).

Reasonable Adjustment Form

Support Plan Agreements

Supporting your students throughout their training is a collaboration between your school and TAFE SA. Where support needs are identified through the VETRO process, a Support Plan Agreement will be established so that personal, disability and learning support needs are planned for.  

  • Known or existing support needs - where VET Coordinators identify that a student may have additional, personal, or disability support needs in the VETRO referral.
  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy - students identified as having minor gaps.

Planning a career event?

Staff are available to attend your school career events, to talk about TAFE SA in general and any of the specific program areas that your students or school have a particular interest in.

To assist us with planning our program when attending a career event, and ensuring we have the right specialist staff available, we ask that you register details of your event.

Tour a TAFE SA campus

TAFE SA also offer hosted campus tours to help students learn more about TAFE SA’s specialist teaching spaces and the courses on offer.

We have campuses in the following locations:

Book a tour
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