Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-apprenticeship)

National Code: 22569VIC
TAFE SA Code: AC00114


Gain the practical skills, knowledge and experience you need to work in the plumbing and services sector and be ready to take on a plumbing apprenticeship. You will learn about safe work practices, how to use plumbing tools, and all about plumbing pipes, fittings, and fixtures. This hands-on course also includes an introduction to oxy-acetylene welding and cutting and basic sheet metal practices.
Strongly supported by employers, including Group Apprenticeship Schemes, this TAFE SA course gives you a competitive advantage.

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6 months 

Full Time


Locations & Applications

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Course Admission Requirements

  • No course admission requirements
If there are more applications for this course than places available, applicants will be ranked by date of application to this course.

Please Read Before Applying

Entry Recommendations
This course is recommended for those with an interest and aptitude for working as a plumber.

Attendance Requirements (subject to change)
Full time with classes 3 to 5 days a week.

Industry Conditions and Skills
You will need basic literacy and numeracy skills and a basic level of work-related concepts, such as measurements, volumes, levels, ratios to understand the fundamentals of plan reading and interpretation. Practical hands-on aptitude is an advantage but not essential.

Additional Uniforms, Equipment and Costs
$100-$200: You will need to buy and wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as:

  • safety boots
  • safety glasses
  • appropriate workwear (eg long pants and long sleeve hi vis shirt)

Total Fees for the 6 month course
You may be eligible for government subsidised training.
Subsidised training may require applicants to complete a Core Skills Profile Assessment (CSPA).

This course is part of the Fee Free TAFE initiative. Fee Free TAFE and vocational education is a joint initiative of the Australian and South Australian Governments providing tuition-free training places to students wanting to train, retrain or upskill. The eligibility check below is an indication only and does not confirm your eligibility status. Eligibility verification will take place before the enrolment process and may include participation in a Language, Literacy and Numeracy pre-assessment. The number of Fee Free TAFE places that are funded is limited by the terms of the skills agreement signed by the Australian and South Australian Governments. Should all available Fee Free TAFE places be taken, subsequent applicants will be offered a subsidised place.

Fee Free Training Eligibility
Full Fee
  • Upfront Payment

    Each semester, fees can be paid online with VISA or Mastercard or at an Australia Post outlet.

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    Payment Plan

    If you have difficulty paying your fees upfront, you may be eligible for a payment plan.

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  • Employment Outcomes

    This course will prepare graduates with the skills and knowledge for entry into an apprenticeship (Certificate III in Plumbing) in one of the various sectors of the plumbing industry.

    Note: Completion of a TAFE SA course does not guarantee an employment outcome. Formal requirements other than educational qualifications (eg licensing, professional registration), may apply to some occupations.

    Qualifications & Skills Covered

    Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-apprenticeship) (22569VIC)
    This qualification has a range of units that introduce the learner to basic plumbing skills and knowledge including:

    • working safely as part of a team
    • measuring and calculating
    • using basic industry terminology to communicate effectively
    • reading plans and specifications
    • selecting and using plumbing tools, equipment and materials
    • producing simple technical drawings
    • using basic welding equipment
    • plus using plumbing pipes, fittings and fixtures to simulate plumbing installations.
      To complete the qualification you are required to complete all 19 units.

    Note: Students who successfully complete only one or more units of competency but not the full qualification are eligible to receive a Statement of Attainment.

    of TAFE SA graduates are satisfied with the overall quality of training.
    of TAFE SA graduates would recommend their training.

    * 2023 NCVER Student Outcomes Survey findings
  • Core

    Name Nominal Hours
    Apply basic sheet metal practices 50
    Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry 20
    Carry out interactive workplace communication 10
    Carry out measurements and calculations 20
    Cut and penetrate building materials and structures 30
    Fabricate simple plumbing pipe systems 30
    Identify career pathways in the plumbing industry 30
    Perform basic oxy-acetylene welding and cutting 20
    Prepare to work in the plumbing industry 20
    Prepare to work safely in the construction industry 6
    Produce technical drawings 50
    Provide basic emergency life support 12
    Read and interpret plans and specifications 36
    Use and apply basic levelling equipment for plumbing 8
    Use basic electric welding equipment and techniques 20
    Use basic plumbing hand tools 50
    Use basic power tools 20
    Use plumbing pipes, fittings and fixtures to simulate plumbing installations 30
    Write simple documents 30
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