Certificate I in Deaf Gain Education

National Code: 11077NAT
TAFE SA Code: AC00127


Designed exclusively for Deaf and hard-of-hearing sign language users, the Certificate I in Deaf Gain Education consist of 13 units of study, during which students will:
• develop skills to use Auslan and visual signing in a variety of contexts,
• develop skills as an Auslan/English bilingual person and to communicate with people who cannot sign,
• develop English reading and writing skills,
• strengthen and develop core mathematical skills,
• develop skills in using digital technology useful for Deaf people.

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18 months 

Part Time

Locations & Applications

Campus / Location
Study Mode
Study Load

Course Admission Requirements

  • No course admission requirements
If there are more applications for this course than places available, applicants will be ranked by date of application to this course.

Please Read Before Applying

Entry Recommendations
Please note that this course is specifically for Deaf and Hard of Hearing adults.

Attendance Requirements (subject to change)
This course is studied face to face in Auslan. Classes take place during the daytime. Regular attendance is very important to successfully complete this course.

Mandatory Requirements
Please note that this course is specifically for Deaf and Hard of Hearing adults.

Average cost per semester
Total Fees for the 18 month course
You may be eligible for government subsidised training.
Subsidised training may require applicants to complete a Core Skills Profile Assessment (CSPA).
Full Fee

Fees vary depending on subjects you enrol into. TAFE SA and their agents reserve the right to make any changes necessary. Fee updates will be available prior to offers being made.

  • Upfront Payment

    Each semester, fees can be paid online with VISA or Mastercard or at an Australia Post outlet.

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  • Employment Outcomes

    Note: Completion of a TAFE SA course does not guarantee an employment outcome. Formal requirements other than educational qualifications (eg licensing, professional registration), may apply to some occupations.

    Qualifications & Skills Covered

    Certificate I in Deaf Gain Education (11077NAT)
    The Deaf Gain Education Program provides training to Deaf or Hard of Hearing adults who use or wish to use Auslan. This program can help you to develop skills in Auslan and visual language, English Reading and Writing, Maths, Technology, and Deaf Studies. All classes are taught by Lecturers who are fluent in Auslan, with a mixture of Deaf and hearing Lecturers. To complete the qualification you are required to complete all 13 core units.

    Note: Students who successfully complete only one or more units of competency but not the full qualification are eligible to receive a Statement of Attainment.

    of TAFE SA graduates are satisfied with the overall quality of training.
    of TAFE SA graduates would recommend their training.

    * 2023 NCVER Student Outcomes Survey findings
  • Core

    Name Nominal Hours
    Approach Auslan and English texts bilingually 50
    Approach simple mathematical calculations bilingually in Auslan and English 60
    Approach simple measurement and geometry bilingually in Auslan and English 60
    Communicate and transfer meaning bilingually using Auslan and English 60
    Communicate own story through visual spatial signing 50
    Communicate using Auslan in everyday exchanges 40
    Implement strategies for fostering positive deaf and hearing relationships 40
    Operate computers in the Deaf Community 50
    Read and write short, simple descriptive and narrative texts 80
    Read and write short, simple informational and instructional texts 80
    Use Auslan for a range of everyday collaborative interactions 50
    Use Deaf-friendly digital applications 50
    Use money, numbers, simple decimals, fractions and percentages up to 1000 in Auslan and English 80
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