Certificate III in Water Industry Operations (Wastewater Treatment)

National Code: NWP30222
TAFE SA Code: TP01419


Become part of this vital industry with a nationally recognised Certificate III in Water Industry Operations (Wastewater Treatment) from TAFE SA. Learn how to sample and test wastewater and implement a range of different treatment processes. This comprehensive course will give you the skills and knowledge required to monitor, operate and maintain wastewater treatment operations. This nationally recognised course is designed for people already employed in a related industry such as water utilities or local government

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24 months 

Part Time

Locations & Applications

Campus / Location
Study Mode
Study Load

Course Admission Requirements

  • You must be working in a relevant industry
If there are more applications for this course than places available, applicants will be ranked by date of application to this course.

Please Read Before Applying

Entry Recommendations
Before an offer is made, you will be contacted by TAFE SA to confirm that you are currently employed in a relevant industry.

Average cost per semester
Total Fees for the 24 month course
You may be eligible for government subsidised training.
Subsidised training may require applicants to complete a Core Skills Profile Assessment (CSPA).
Full Fee

Fees vary depending on subjects you enrol into. TAFE SA and their agents reserve the right to make any changes necessary. Fee updates will be available prior to offers being made.

  • Upfront Payment

    Each semester, fees can be paid online with VISA or Mastercard or at an Australia Post outlet.

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    Payment Plan

    If you have difficulty paying your fees upfront, you may be eligible for a payment plan.

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  • Employment Outcomes

    This specialisation covers the skills and knowledge required to monitor, operate and maintain wastewater treatment operations.

    Note: Completion of a TAFE SA course does not guarantee an employment outcome. Formal requirements other than educational qualifications (eg licensing, professional registration), may apply to some occupations.

    Qualifications & Skills Covered

    Certificate III in Water Industry Operations (Wastewater Treatment) (NWP30222)
    This qualification covers skills and knowledge to obtain a broad range of skills in the water industry. It allows staff to apply operational and procedural practices under the appropriate level of supervision. To complete the qualification you are required to complete all 2 core units and 9 elective units.

    Note: Students who successfully complete only one or more units of competency but not the full qualification are eligible to receive a Statement of Attainment.

    of TAFE SA graduates are satisfied with the overall quality of training.
    of TAFE SA graduates would recommend their training.

    * 2023 NCVER Student Outcomes Survey findings
  • Below is a list of all units that TAFE SA can offer in this qualification. The selection of elective units you will be enrolled into depends on the campus you attend, and the qualification packaging rules described on www.training.gov.au.

    Not all elective units listed below must necessarily be completed to achieve your qualification.


    Name Nominal Hours
    Assess, implement and report environmental procedures 40
    Participate in WHS hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control processes 50


    Name Nominal Hours
    Apply the risk management principles of the water industry standards, guidelines and legislation 10
    Monitor and control vacuum sewer systems 50
    Monitor and operate hypochlorite disinfection processes 30
    Monitor and operate liquefied chlorine gas disinfection processes 40
    Monitor and operate pump stations 30
    Monitor and operate ultraviolet processes 20
    Monitor and operate wastewater treatment processes 50
    Monitor, operate and control lagoon processes 30
    Operate and control activated sludge processes 50
    Operate and control chloramination processes 40
    Operate and control coagulation and flocculation processes 50
    Operate and control digestion processes 40
    Operate and control dissolved air flotation processes 30
    Operate and control granular media filters 50
    Operate and control membrane filters 30
    Operate and control nutrient removal processes 40
    Operate and control odour removal processes 30
    Operate and control reclaimed water irrigation 40
    Operate and control sedimentation and clarification processes 50
    Operate and control solids handling processes 30
    Perform laboratory testing 40
    Sample and test wastewater 40
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