Certificate II in Horticulture

National Code: AHC20422
TAFE SA Code: TP01433


Develop the basic skills and knowledge you need to work in the horticultural sector with this entry-level course. Learn all about recognising plants, undertaking planting tasks, maintaining irrigation systems, pruning techniques, treating weeds, pests and diseases, basic soil properties, renovating grassed areas, tending to nursery plants, and collecting plant specimens. You’ll also have the opportunity to develop your skills in laying paving, using tools and equipment, and undertaking natural area restoration works. Become an assistant in a nursery or in parks and garden or work with a landscape gardener. Get your hands in the dirt with TAFE SA.

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3 months 

Full Time or Part Time equivalent

Locations & Applications

Campus / Location
Study Mode
Study Load

Course Admission Requirements

  • No course admission requirements
If there are more applications for this course than places available, applicants will be ranked by date of application to this course.

Please Read Before Applying

Additional Uniforms, Equipment and Costs
You will need to purchase and wear your own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as safety boots and appropriate workwear (eg sun protection (hat), long pants, long sleeve shirt) (approx.

  • $200) Incidental items
    • $45.00 for other personal protective equipment (eg gloves, safety glasses and spray suit)

  • Total Fees for the 3 month course
    Full Fee

    Fees vary depending on subjects you enrol into. TAFE SA and their agents reserve the right to make any changes necessary. Fee updates will be available prior to offers being made.

    • Upfront Payment

      Each semester, fees can be paid online with VISA or Mastercard or at an Australia Post outlet.

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      Payment Plan

      If you have difficulty paying your fees upfront, you may be eligible for a payment plan.

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    • Employment Outcomes

      Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include Horticulture Worker, Horticulture Assistant.

      Note: Completion of a TAFE SA course does not guarantee an employment outcome. Formal requirements other than educational qualifications (eg licensing, professional registration), may apply to some occupations.

      Qualifications & Skills Covered

      Certificate II in Horticulture (AHC20422)
      This qualification provides skills in recognising plants, undertaking planting tasks, using correct pruning techniques and collecting plant specimens. To complete the qualification, you are required to complete all 8 core units and 7 elective units.

      Note: Students who successfully complete only one or more units of competency but not the full qualification are eligible to receive a Statement of Attainment.

      of TAFE SA graduates are satisfied with the overall quality of training.
      of TAFE SA graduates would recommend their training.

      * 2023 NCVER Student Outcomes Survey findings
    • Below is a list of all units that TAFE SA can offer in this qualification. The selection of elective units you will be enrolled into depends on the campus you attend, and the qualification packaging rules described on www.training.gov.au.

      Not all elective units listed below must necessarily be completed to achieve your qualification.


      Name Nominal Hours
      Assist with soil or growing media sampling and testing 30
      Operate basic machinery and equipment 20
      Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices 30
      Participate in workplace health and safety processes 30
      Plant trees and shrubs 20
      Recognise plants 40
      Treat plant pests, diseases and disorders 30
      Treat weeds 40


      Name Nominal Hours
      Apply chemicals under supervision 30
      Assist with pressurised irrigation operations 40
      Care for nursery plants 30
      Collect native seed 40
      Collect prepare and preserve plant specimens 30
      Identify fauna in the field 50
      Implement ecosystem reconstruction works 90
      Maintain properties and structures 30
      Operate and maintain chainsaws 40
      Plant horticultural crops 25
      Pot up plants 20
      Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases 70
      Prepare and maintain plant displays 35
      Prune shrubs and small trees 35
      Renovate grassed areas 40
      Transport and store chemicals 50
      Undertake operational maintenance of machinery 30
      Undertake propagation activities 30
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