Employment Outcomes
As a cyber security paraprofessional you will be able to: detect or determine breaches in network and system security; know how to escalate an incident to the security response team; and work confidently with a range of stakeholders (internal or external to the organisation) that need to be aware of a threat or vulnerability.
Note: Completion of a TAFE SA course does not guarantee an employment outcome. Formal requirements other than educational qualifications (eg licensing, professional registration), may apply to some occupations.
Qualifications & Skills Covered
Certificate IV in Cyber Security
In this cyber security course, you will gain practical skills in:
PEN testing identifying and reporting website and system vulnerabilities system testing securing PCs in a workplace environment evaluating and reporting cyber security incidents networking concepts and protocols setting up and managing network security security script programming website security problem researching working with a team to develop cyber policies and procedures to meet workplace and legislative requirements. To complete this qualification you are required to complete all 8 core units and 8 elective units.
of TAFE SA graduates are satisfied with the overall quality of training.
of TAFE SA graduates would recommend their training.
* 2023 NCVER Student Outcomes Survey findings