Library Technician

Note: Completion of a TAFE SA course does not guarantee an employment outcome. Formal requirements other than educational qualifications (eg licensing, professional registration), may apply to some occupations.

Job Prospects
Openings 5 years to November 2025: < 5,000
Median weekly earnings: $1,800
Source 2024
Working as a library assistant allows you to enjoy being surrounded by books and manuscripts while you work with the high-tech tools of the information age.
In 2020, 31,000 people were employed in libraries. Of these, approximately 8,500 are library technicians and 8,800 library assistants. The majority of persons in this occupation are females and are employed part-time and most work in the education and cultural and recreational services industries. This occupation has an older age profile with the average age of 55 years.

TAFE SA courses that may be relevant for: Library Technician

Accredited (Award)

  • For centuries, we have been documenting our thoughts, philosophies and discoveries in journals and books. More recently we have turned to web pages on the Internet. A librarian or library technician helps us to access various sources of information. Sometimes referred to as 'information professionals', their primary role is to assist in the delivery of information to users. There are three main occupations in the library and information services sector:

    Librarians design and develop systems for the effective management of recorded material, books, other written material and electronic equipment. They also train and supervise other staff, develop policies aimed at improving library services and undertake promotional and user education activities even telling stories to wide eyed young children!

    Library technicians provide operational and technical support to libraries and information services. Their work focuses on the operation, maintenance and control of established systems within a library or information service.

    Library assistants provide administrative and clerical support to librarians and technicians.

    Clerical and AdministrativeHelping and Community ServicesLiterary

  • TAFE SA offers courses relevant to this occupation including the Diploma of Library and Information Services. Pathways include the Certificate IV in Library and Information Services.

    SA traineeships are available in this occupation. For further information go to the Traineeship & Apprenticeship Services Website at or phone the Freecall number 1800 673 097.

  • Libraries continue to hold collections of books, journals and other printed items, but also now make use of cutting edge technology in order to efficiently meet clients' information needs. Keeping up to date with technological changes is therefore critical for information professionals, some of whom are now providing consultancy services. They use their specialised skills to access information for clients who know its somewhere on the web, but don't have the time or skills to find it.

    It is a medium sized occupation with reasonable employment prospects.

    External Links

    The Australian Library and Information Association

  • Librarians, library technicians and library assistants work in many different industries. Many work in public libraries run by local governments or in the State Library. Information professionals also undertake information management work in educational institutions, government departments, hospitals, law firms and a broad range of private sector industries. Information professionals may be required to work evenings, weekends and on public holidays.

  • Qualified library staff work in public libraries, archives, schools, technical colleges and tertiary institutions. They also work for government departments, museums, research and consulting organisations, teaching hospitals, industrial and business firms, all of which have libraries specialising in particular fields.

    Library assistants and library technicians must have a good aptitude for working with computers. They need to have good organisational skills and a wide general knowledge. They also must have good communication skills and a strong customer service attitude.

  • Factors which affect the demand for librarians, library technicians and library assistants include government funding levels, the introduction of technologies and the level of activity in private sector industries (for example law firms) that employ librarians.

    For further information, contact:

    Australian Library and Information Association Ltd (National Office)
    Phone: (02) 6215 8222