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TAFE SA was informed by SAPOL that they had seized devices containing electronic scanned copies of TAFE SA student identification forms. These forms contain copies of a student’s proof of identity used for enrolment, including credentials such as driver’s licences and passports.

A forensic investigation commissioned by TAFE SA identified that the data breach occurred prior to December 2021.

We are deeply disappointed that this breach occurred and our investigation into how it took place is ongoing.

While TAFE SA’s investigation is continuing, security measures are being increased with access to the system that holds the Student ID Forms being restricted, ensuring access is only provided for business-critical functions.

Once copies of the breached data were provided to TAFE SA, a dedicated team was implemented to extract, analyse and verify the complex data in order to notify impacted students as quickly as possible.

The response team has completed its work and communication has been sent directly to impacted individuals.

A range of strategies and resources, including dedicated support from IDCARE, has been implemented to help impacted students. .

We appreciate the concern this may cause. TAFE SA takes its responsibility for protecting personal data seriously and is committed to keeping student data protected and safe.

Reimbursement for credential replacement

SA driver's licence, learner's permit and or proof age card

SA Government has announced they will waive the cost of replacing an SA driver’s licence, learner’s permit and/or proof of age card of students impacted by this breach. Please visit the Services SA website for more information.

To obtain a fee waiver for a replacement SA licence, proof of age card and/or learner’s permit, you need to attend in person at a Service SA Centre and present details from TAFE SA to the person serving you as evidence of your right for a fee waiver.  Locations can be found on the Services SA website.

You can also apply for a replacement licence online if you have, or set-up, a mySAGOV account. If you choose this option, you will need to pay the fee and then apply to be reimbursed by TAFE SA.

Interstate/International driver’s licence, learner’s permit and/or proof of age card

If you choose to replace your Interstate/International driver’s licence, learner’s permit and/or proof of age card, TAFE SA will reimburse you for your renewal fee. You will need to pay the fee and then apply to be reimbursed by TAFE SA.

Passport (Australian and/or International)

You can get advice and support by contacting IDCARE or phoning toll free in Australia on 1800 595 160. If you choose to replace your passport, TAFE SA will reimburse you for your renewal fee. You will need to pay the fee and then apply to be reimbursed by TAFE SA.

Download the reimbursement form

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I’m a TAFE SA student. How do I know if my personal data was part of this data breach?

    TAFE SA has contacted all impacted students to notify them of the incident and advise them of the support available to them. If your data was involved, even if it had expired, you would have been contacted by us. If you were not contacted, your data was not involved. Any bounce back emails to students will be followed up with phone calls to ensure information about the breach reaches impacted students.

  • What personal information was exposed in the breach?

    The TAFE SA student identification forms involved in the breach contain:

    • TAFE SA Student ID Number
    • Course details
    • Full Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Physical Address
    • Copies of a student’s proof of identity, such as driver's licences and passports.
  • What support is available to students?

    To provide dedicated support to impacted students, TAFE SA has engaged IDCARE, an identity and cyber support service, to work with impacted students about their data security and any steps they should take as a result of this matter. Impacted students received an email with a code to use when contacting IDCARE. Impacted students are also able to access TAFE SA Student Counselling Services if required.

  • What steps have you taken to protect student personal data?

    TAFE SA has commissioned an auditor to undertake a review of TAFE SA’s current student identification verification process to assess for risks and vulnerabilities. While the investigation is continuing TAFE SA is restricting access to the system that holds the Student ID Forms ensuring access is only provided for business-critical functions.

  • Is my data safe with TAFE SA?

    An independent forensic analysis has occurred and an auditor is reviewing current processes to determine if any improvements can be made to current processes and systems. While the investigation is continuing TAFE SA is restricting access to the system that holds the Student ID Forms ensuring access is only provided for business-critical functions.

  • What should I do to protect myself from being scammed?

    There are some simple steps you can take to reduce your risk of fraudulent activity:

    • Keep a close eye on banking and superannuation accounts.
    • Protect accounts with multi-factor authentication.
    • Be alert to any emails, text messages or unsolicited calls from people requesting personal or account information, including access to devices – do not respond to any requests until you have made your own enquiries with the organisation they claim to be from.
    • Use complex passwords on all services.

    If you observe any anomalies or suspicious activity, report it to:

    In addition, we have contacted impacted students and strongly recommended that they contact IDCARE, Australia’s national identity and cyber support community service, to discuss their personal circumstances and determine the appropriate steps to protect their personal information.

  • Have TAFE SA’s systems been compromised?

    A forensic investigation commissioned by TAFE SA found there was no evidence that indicates this breach occurred from an external source or that TAFE SA network systems were illegally accessed.

  • Will I be informed if my personal information has been compromised?

    On Tuesday 4 April, 2023, TAFE SA emailed all impacted students to notify them of the incident and advise them of the support available to them. If your data was involved, even if it had expired, you would have received an email from us or a follow up phone call. If you did not receive an email or call, your data was not involved.

  • What should I do if I see unusual activity on my financial account?

    Monitor your financial accounts for unauthorised transactions and unusual activity. If you identify anything of concern, contact your financial institutions as soon as possible.

    Financial institutions can provide advice on the actions that will be taken to identify and investigate unauthorised transactions and unusual activity.

    TAFE SA has partnered with cybersecurity support service, IDCARE, who can develop a specific response plan and provide personal support throughout the process – at no cost to employees.

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