TAFE SA is committed to quality assessment practice. Assessment design and development, conducting assessment along with continuous improvement of assessment resources is governed by policies and procedures that is followed by all TAFE SA educational staff.
The assessment policies and procedures aim to promote transparent, equitable and accountable assessment practices and ensure TAFE SA assessment systems enable quality outcomes for you as a student.
Assessment at TAFE SA will
The design, development, conduct, administration, and systematic review of assessment judgements at TAFE SA will be in accordance with the requirements of applicable regulators including the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) for Vocational Education and Training (VET), and the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) for Higher Education (HE), and relevant funding bodies.
As you progress through your course, your skills, knowledge and competence will be assessed using a range of methods.
You are entitled to two (2) attempts to satisfactorily complete each assessment task within any unit in a specified enrolment period.
You may be granted a resubmission for a subject at the discretion of the lecturer/assessor, who will consider special circumstances and/or contributing factors. Information relating to resubmission requests will be provided to higher education students on commencement of each subject.
Assessments are assessed/marked in order of submission date.
Students are notified of assessment outcomes within two (2) weeks of the due date. Practical assessment outcomes will be determined immediately after the assessment event and will be communicated at the end of the assessment event.
Where submitted assessments have been deemed as Not Satisfactory, documented constructive feedback and re-submission or re-attempt information will be provided prior to re-assessment.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) accredited courses are competency-based and therefore assessment task results and final outcome results are not graded. Assessment tasks are recorded as either Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
Results for each unit of competency will be recorded in the Self-Service System within two (2) weeks of the Course Reference Number (CRN) end date.
Higher Education (HE) final assessment result will be recorded as a grade in accordance with the HE Result Codes and staff Resulting Policy after considering all factors including any relevant hurdle requirements.
Extensions apply to both knowledge and skills assessments. Facilitating educators can grant a maximum extension of seven (7) calendar days. Where Special Consideration Extension circumstances apply for extensions longer than seven (7) days, the Educational Manager will consider this request.
You are required to apply for an extension at least two (2) working days prior to 9.00am of the due date for any assessment. Extensions will only be granted where the request for an extension has been submitted on time.
If you have experienced challenging personal circumstances beyond your control that have impacted your ability to complete your assessment requirements, you may be eligible for special consideration. Challenging personal circumstances may include injury, medical condition, religious observance, bereavement, community service, emergency carer responsibilities or personal circumstances If you think you are entitled to Special Consideration, please speak to your lecturer/assessor as soon as practical.
If you have an Access Plan, you may be eligible for Reasonable Adjustments. Please talk to your lecturer/assessor to discuss your requirements. If you believe you are entitled to an Access Plan, please speak to student support (or your lecturer/assessor).
Academic misconduct is acting dishonestly in an assessment task or examination to gain an unfair advantage for yourself or other students.
Students must ensure that the work they submit is their own and/or acknowledge the work of others by referencing the authors appropriately.
For a full understanding of how you can meet your academic integrity requirements as a student at TAFE SA, please complete the following Academic Integrity course on LEARN.
Further information and access to the full Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure documents is available on the TAFE SA student website.
TAFE SA recognises that students have a right to lodge an appeal related to academic progress or assessment outcomes. In the first instance, students should discuss their complaint with the lecturer/assessor to resolve the disputed matter.
Students are encouraged to be familiar with the Assessment Decision Appeals Procedure and to utilise student services for support when considering or lodging an appeal.
If unsatisfied with the response or time taken, a student may lodge an appeal to the Principal Lecturer, Education Manager or Business Unit Director.
For further information on this process refer to complaints and feedback.
TAFE SA is required to securely retain and be able to produce in full at audit if requested to do so, all completed student assessment items for each student for a period of six months from the date on which the judgement of competence for the student was made.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) (applicable to Vocational Education Training students) or Credit for Prior Learning (applicable to Higher Education students) involves the assessment of previously unrecognised skills and knowledge an individual has achieved outside the formal education and training system. Discuss the application process for recognition of a subject/unit with your Lecturer/Assessor.
Credit Transfer allows a student to obtain credit for already successfully completed formal training which is equivalent to a component in a current program the student is enrolled in.
The student retention and academic progression policy details the following:
Engagement and progress will be monitored through class management practices including but not limited to:
Further details of your rights and responsibilities are available on the TAFE SA student website.
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