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TAFE SA is committed to providing students with a safe, supportive and intellectually challenging study environment. Students enrolled in TAFE SA will share classes and facilities with staff and other students. It is expected that students will behave in a manner that is acceptable to the wider community.

TAFE SA values:

  • difference and diversity
  • respect and cooperation
  • tolerance
  • academic debate
  • freedom of expression balanced with social responsibility

While on any campus of TAFE SA or engaged in any TAFE SA sponsored activity, all students, staff, contractors and visitors are expected to behave in a considerate and courteous manner when dealing with other staff, students and members of the public.

Student expectations

TAFE SA expects its students to:

  • treat other students and staff with respect so as not to compromise their health, safety, privacy and welfare,
  • contribute to the orderly, effective and safe functioning of TAFE SA,
  • follow the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare policies and procedures,
  • comply with all lawful directions given by staff while on TAFE SA property or engaged in a TAFE SA controlled or sponsored activity,
  • comply with TAFE SA’s commitment to the prevention and elimination of unlawful discrimination,
  • abstain from bullying, harassing, and any other unlawful activity or behaviour whilst on TAFE SA property or engaged in a TAFE SA controlled or sponsored activity, including the online environment,
  • abstain from acts of self-harm,
  • access and use only that TAFE SA property to which they are entitled to have access and are qualified to use and to use it in a careful and responsible way,
  • adhere to program requirements and class norms established in class,
  • ensure that information of, or held by, TAFE SA or other students is not accessed, used or published inappropriately, and
  • make timely payment of any fee, charge or penalty imposed by TAFE SA.

Unacceptable behaviour

Unacceptable behaviour may include:

  • disobeying any reasonable direction by a TAFE SA staff member
  • acting dishonestly when undertaking tests, examinations or reports required for course assessment purposes
  • failing to return library or other loaned TAFE SA property by the required date
  • viewing or distributing offensive material via the internet, email or other means
  • discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • bullying and intimidation
  • racist or sexist comments
  • behaving in a disruptive manner, such as swearing, yelling or using offensive language
  • using mobile phones during classes
  • illegal use of drugs or alcohol
  • stealing, vandalising or causing wilful damage to TAFE SA property
  • endangering the safety of yourself or others
  • assaulting or attempting to assault anyone while on TAFE SA premises
  • inappropriate possession of guns, knives or other weapons while engaging in TAFE SA activities.

Consequences of unacceptable behaviour

If your behaviour is disruptive or unacceptable, disciplinary action may be taken against you. A lecturer can ask you to leave the classroom or refuse entry to a classroom if your behaviour is disruptive or dangerous. If your behaviour threatens the safety of others, interferes with the duties of staff or other students' study or damages or threatens TAFE SA property, you may be suspended or expelled by a senior officer of TAFE SA.

Violence, intimidation and harassment are not consistent with a safe and supportive learning environment and will not be tolerated. The police may be contacted in cases of possible criminal behaviour.

Who to contact for further information

  • Lecturers are responsible for setting the tone within a learning environment and upholding the principles of the TAFE SA Student Conduct Policy.
  • Educational Managers are responsible for resolving complaints in the learning environment.
  • Student counsellors have information about TAFE SA policies and procedures and can assist you in resolving issues. They provide confidential counselling, and may arrange or facilitate meetings between you and lecturers or other students.

See also:

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