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If you have a VET Student Loan, or if you are a higher education student studying a HELP loan (FEE-HELP or HECS-HELP) approved course, please follow the appropriate link below for information about withdrawals and refunds:

Note - Fees owing are not reversed automatically and you should review the TAFE SA refund criteria outlined below.

1.     Drop classes

Log into your Self Service account and drop yourself from classes. 

If assistance is required download a PDF copy of the add or drop classes reference guide.

2.     Submit withdrawal form

Complete a student withdrawal and refund form

Types of supporting documentation:

  • Medical certificate
  • Written verification of change of employment commitment from your employer
  • Details of exceptional circumstances

3.    Submit any supporting documentation with the withdrawal form within one week of completing the drop from your classes by email.

It is important you submit the Withdrawal Form - If you attend any component of a class (or in the case of flexible learning, have documented contact with the facilitator) but do not submit a withdrawal form, you may be resulted as a fail (F) and not be eligible for a refund or credit.

Refund Policy

There are limited criteria under which a refund may be granted. This differs depending on the type of course. Details for each can be found below.

Award courses

Student initiated refunds

Refunds will not be granted automatically. You are expected to be aware of your work and personal commitments before you enrol, and will need to demonstrate that the cause of withdrawal could not be reasonably anticipated before you enrolled.

A full refund will be given if you:

  • withdraw before the date of commencement of the relevant class(es) or course
  • produce a document that supports your successful application for RPL in parts of a course, where the full fees have been paid. This will only apply within the first 20% of the scheduled duration of the relevant class (unit of competency / CRN). After that time, all other elements of the refund policy apply if you withdraw as a result of being awarded RPL.

A 50% refund will be given if you withdraw for reasons of personal circumstances beyond your control, after the relevant class (unit of competency / CRN) has started, but before 20% of the classes scheduled duration.

Acceptable reasons may include:

  • sickness (verified by a medical certificate)
  • change of employment hours or location (verified by employer)
  • other valid reason at the discretion of the delegate (exceptional circumstances), or
  • If you complete an application for RPL within the first 20% of the scheduled duration of the relevant class (unit of competency / CRN), you will be charged the appropriate RPL fee and the difference will be refunded.

Acceptance of a place in a higher preference course offered through SATAC

A full refund will be given if you provide a copy of the letter of offer.

Short courses and full fee paying courses

No refund will be granted:

  • Unless TAFE SA withdraws the course in which case a full refund will be provided
  • Or if the class has already commenced.

All requests for refunds must be submitted by completing the short course withdrawal / refund form prior to the course date.  A full refund will not be granted if the request is received after the short course delivery has commenced.

TAFE SA initiated refunds

Where a refund results from a situation caused by TAFE SA, eg cancelled class, a full refund of the fees will be given.

International students

A separate policy applies for international students.

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