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Still at school but keen to get started on a trade?

Australian School-based Apprenticeships (ABSAs) or School-based Apprenticeships & Traineeships (SBATs) are a great way to finish your schooling whilst getting a head start in your chosen career.

You’ll graduate with a competitive edge thanks to our:

  • specialist facilities
  • practical training
  • industry-experienced teachers.

Apprentices learn skilled trades like construction. Upon successful completion of your apprenticeship, you’ll become a tradesperson. Trainees learn a vocation like business and receive a certificate upon completion.

Why should I undertake a SBAT?

  • Finish your SACE with your mates whilst getting a head start in your career.
  • Complete the first year of a traditional apprenticeship in your final years of schooling.
  • Earn a wage whilst finishing your schooling.
  • Gain valuable work experience for future job applications.

How does it work?

Australian SBATs allow you to combine your schooling with part-time on-the-job training. At the end of your studies, you’ll achieve a Nationally Recognised Qualification.

You can start SBATs in Year 10, 11 or 12. You’ll gain credit towards your final years of schooling. After completing your schooling, you can finish your qualification.

Next Steps

The first step is to meet with your Schools VET Coordinator or Career Advisor. Your VET Coordinator will explain how the SBAT will contribute towards your schooling.

They’ll help you to complete your paperwork and online VET referral. After we receive your VET referral, we’ll be in touch to discuss the VETRO process.

116 Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Training contract and training plan for apprentices and trainees

An employer and an apprentice or trainee must agree to a training contract and training plan before training can start. If the apprentice or trainee is under 18, the parent or guardian must also agree.

Training contract

The training contract is a legally binding document and must be signed by a parent or legal guardian if the apprentice or trainee is under 18. It covers:

  • the length of the training period, apprenticeship or traineeship
  • details of the registered training organisation (TAFE SA) delivering the training
  • the qualification to be obtained
  • employment arrangements and industrial award.

The training contract must be lodged with an Australian Apprenticeships Centre (AAC). The AAC can help with preparing the training contract as well as other paperwork. Find your local Australian Apprenticeship Support Network.

Training plan

A training plan is part of the training arrangement and is negotiated between the employer, the apprentice or trainee, and TAFE SA. The training contract cannot be approved until the training plan has been submitted to Traineeship and Apprenticeship Services (TAS). The training plan provides:

  • the core and elective units the apprentice or trainee will do as part of their qualification
  • the training provider who will be delivering the training
  • whether training will be delivered on-job or off-job, or a mix of both - this is sometimes done wholly on-job
  • where and when the training will occur.


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