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VET Stackables

VET Courses outside the Flexible Industry Program will be available to School Students, known as Stackable VET. These aim to provide pre-vocational skills, work preparedness and the opportunity to try out different areas before committing to a qualification.

TAFE SA has a range of approved VET Stackable and Advanced VET Stackable courses designed especially for high school students. These aim to provide school-based students with pre-vocational skills, work preparedness and the opportunity to try out different areas before committing to a qualification.

The VET Stackable courses may provide a pathway to further studies through VET for Secondary Schools, School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships or further studies with TAFE SA. Some courses may gain credits towards SACE – please check with your schoolteacher or VET coordinator for clarification regarding SACE points.

25 VET Courses

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