We make sure our qualifications are relevant an up-to-date to ensure the students of today will be the successful employees of tomorrow. We give you choice and flexibility to pursue your career of the future and to enter a new frontier.
As a new generation of jobs evolve in South Australia, now is the time to get job ready and prepare for a career in one of the industry areas poised for growth.
A continuous shipbuilding program is planned for the next thirty years and beyond with thousands of job opportunities for South Australians. This industry will be underpinned by innovation, cutting-edge technologies and powered by a highly skilled workforce. The future jobs associated with this booming industry are diverse; ranging from welding, engineering to technical design, simulation, project management and more.
With an ageing population, the community demand for health services continues to rise. In-home care provided by health support services staff has been identified as a key area for jobs growth, now and in the future. A qualification in Allied Health Assistance provides the skills to meet the complex challenges faced by those working in the modern health and aged care industries.
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