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SEE Distance Learning

Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program

The Australian Government's SEE Program can help you build the skills you need to reach your career goals, find a job or do more study.

The SEE Program is a free training program designed to help you improve your skills to better participate in community or life activities.

Stronger skills in reading, writing, maths and computers can help increase your confidence.

With SEE Distance Learning, you can:

  • start at your own level and learn at your own pace
  • study full-time or part-time
  • continue to work, look for a job or care for your family
  • choose training based on your needs and goals.
  • choose your preferred study option such as the telephone, internet, and workbooks if you prefer not to attend classes. You'll be supported by lecturers as you study.

For more information about SEE distance delivery call 1300 153 339 or complete the following form.

Contact Us - SEE Distance Learning


The Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

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