Come and join the Mayor of the Rural City of Murray Bridge, the Chief Executive of TAFE SA, David Coltman, TAFE SA staff and students and fellow community members for a free BBQ, live music and a historical exhibition showcasing 100 years of education and training in the region. Formal proceedings begin at 4 pm, where the time capsule from the 75th celebrations is unearthed, and a new time capsule is buried to mark this special occasion.
Do you have a piece of history, a memory, a special story or an item that relates to a time when you or a family member was studying, teaching or was a part of vocational education and training at Murray Bridge? If so, we would like to hear from you! You may have some old training materials, uniforms, photos, maps or other items of interest for display on the day. Please email or call Emily on 7210 3705 and describe what you would like to share on the day. Our friendly events team will be in touch to follow up.
Thursday 7 November 2024
To help you make the right study choice for the career you want, TAFE SA is holding an open day at the TAFE SA Murray Bridge campus on Thursday, 7 November. We encourage those who live in and around the Murray Bridge region to join us on campus to explore the wonderful facilities, take in an information session and to meet with local lecturers.
Discover the range of courses available on campus and through virtual classroom delivery. It’s a chance to hear first-hand all the information about studying at TAFE SA, from course admission requirements, the application process and more. Whether you’re a school student, recent school leaver, job seeker, or contemplating a career change (or just curious), our doors will be wide open, inviting you to step onto our campus and explore.
Freecall 1800 882 661