TAFE SA Customer Resolution and Feedback

At TAFE SA we value your feedback whether it’s to comment on a positive experience or highlight areas for improvement. We recognise that at times we may not meet your expectations and you may wish to make a complaint. 

A complaint is when you are unhappy with a service or product and would like us to fix or resolve a problem. Feedback may be a positive compliment or negative comment about a service or product. Feedback does not necessarily require a response but will be acknowledged.

All complaints and feedback are reported for continuous improvement purposes.

Provide feedback or submit a complaint

Complaint Handling Steps

Level 1 – Front Line
Our aim is to resolve your concerns as quickly as possible in the front line. If you do need to speak with the relevant manager ask the front desk or call 1800 882 661.
If your concern is about a regulatory or legislative requirement that TAFE SA must comply with we will talk to you about this.

Level 2 – Internal Escalation
If we can't resolve your concerns we may make an internal assessment of the original decision, commence an investigation or suggest mediation with senior management.  We will offer you guidance on the process of how to make a formal review or internal appeal following this.  

Level 3 – External Escalation
If we cannot resolve your concerns TAFE SA will talk to you about your external review options. This may include an external review of the previous decision and TAFE SA process by another agency or a formal conciliation conference between parties. 


For International Students

TAFE SA employees work hard to ensure that all customers, including our international students have a positive experience while they are studying with us. Sometimes, however, students may feel concerned because of misunderstandings or because they are unsure about how things work in Australia. In general, most of these problems or complaints can be resolved quickly if you are prepared to speak with someone about the issue and as early as possible.
All international students have the right to appeal a decision or action made by the TAFE SA International Unit, or by lecturing staff in relation to academic progress or attendance. To submit a complaint or provide feedback please use our online form.
The South Australian Skills Commission also offer a personalised service for international students studying in South Australia.

Additional Support, Crisis or Emergency

If you would like to initially talk through your concerns with someone, talk to Student Services. Anything you discuss will remain confidential. Customers with special needs, such as limited English language or literacy skills and those with a disability can also contact Student Services during business hours 9 – 5pm.

A full list of support agencies is available from our procedure. You can also contact the South Australian Skills Commission at any time during the complaint process if you feel that you require additional support or guidance concerning your complaint.