TAFE SA staff work hard to ensure that international students have a positive experience while they are studying. Sometimes, however, students may feel concerned because of misunderstandings or because they are unsure about how things work in Australia. In general, most of these problems or complaints can be resolved quickly if you are prepared to speak with someone about the issue as early as possible.
TAFE SA aims to ensure that all parties involved in a complaint are protected from victimisation and that confidentiality and privacy are maintained.
TAFE SA will respond to all complaints and appeals from international students and any consideration of that complaint and appeal will commence within 10 working days. International students are encouraged to bring a support person to any meetings should they wish.
TAFE SA has a documented process for complaints and appeals which is outlined below and within the International Student Appeal Flowchart.
International students seeking to appeal an academic result or decision must refer to the Assessment Policy.
Students should raise their issue with either their lecturer, the International Unit, a Student Services Officer, or any other staff member they feel comfortable with.
If the student is not satisfied with the resolution, they may lodge a formal written complaint either via email or via the online form.
A student may be unhappy with a decision made by TAFE SA and want to appeal the decision. All international students have the right to appeal a decision or action made by the International Unit, or by lecturing staff (including those decisions in relation to academic course progress or attendance).
The appeal can be lodged with the Director, International either via email or via the online form.
During an appeal process international students, with an active Confirmation of Enrolment (COE), should continue to attend classes and maintain their enrolment and course progress.
In most instances, students will have 20 working days to appeal a decision from the International Unit. For example, they will have 20 working days to appeal after receiving an Intention to Report (to the Department of Home Affairs) for Unsatisfactory Course Progress.
Should the student not be happy about the results of the internal TAFE SA appeal they have the option to then appeal to an external body.
The South Australian Skills Commission offers support to international students studying in South Australia.
Phone: 1800 006 488
If you wish to make an appeal concerning a TAFE SA decision, you will need to contact:
Ombudsman SA Level 8, 95 Grenfell Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Phone: (08) 7322 7020 Toll free: 1800 182 150 (outside metro SA only)
See also:
Freecall 1800 882 661