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TAFE SA offers many different courses to suit your learning journey

The type of study you choose will determine what documents you are issued when you complete.

When completing an accredited training course, you may receive one or more of the following:

  1. Parchment: A parchment is issued to confirm that you’ve officially met the requirements of a vocational education and training (VET) qualification.

  2. Academic Transcript (official): A certified and comprehensive record detailing the subjects completed, grades achieved, and overall academic performance. See Official Academic Transcript Result Codes

  3. Statement of Attainment: This is issued when you have completed a number of accredited units of study that do not amount to a full qualification. 

Note: Access to your Academic Transcript is available throughout your enrolment as a student via MyTAFE SA, follow these instructions. After completing your studies, your Academic Transcript remains accessible by using your Unique Student Identifier [USI] for studies dating back to 2015. TAFE SA is obligated to accurately document all results, including withdrawals.

What we look for before issuing your certificate

TAFE SA will issue your Parchment, Statement of Attainment, or Academic Transcript if:

  • you have completed all course requirements
  • you have no outstanding course fees for the qualification for which you are seeking a certification, you can check this via MyTAFE SA. 
  • your Unique Student Identifier is entered into your TAFE SA student account
  • your current postal and email address is entered into your TAFE SA student account

Accessing your certificate

Parchments and Academic Transcripts or Statements of Attainment will be digitally issued to the student's personal email listed in their TAFE SA Student Account. Upon receipt of this email, you will be prompted to register to the My eQuals platform, where your certificate can be viewed, shared, and printed unless you choose to receive a hard copy. If you choose to receive a hardcopy version of your certificate, it will be posted to your address.

To change your certificate preference, go to MyTAFE SA, select Self Service, log in, and change your preference. Refer to the step-by-step instructions.

To receive both a digital and hardcopy version of your certificate, please complete this form and note that a fee of $50 is applicable.

Learn more about My eQuals: 

TAFE SA is committed to processing your certificate as soon as possible.

Replacement white cards can be requested online via this form.

Need to change or replace your Certificate?

If you have changed your name, lost or damaged your Parchment or Statement of Attainment: or require a Letter of Extract, you can submit an application through the Replacement Reissue form, noting that a $50 fee is payable.

Applications must be supported by the following documentation:

  • Lost or damaged: a statutory declaration (stating what has happened to the original) and photographic ID.
  • Change of name: a statutory declaration or the original parchment, photographic ID, and a completed TAFE SA Change of Details form.
  • Letter of Extract: Photographic ID

For advice on Statutory Declarations needing to be signed overseas please see the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website.


Official Academic Transcript Result Codes

  • Current TAFE SA Vocational Education and Training (VET) Result Codes

    Current TAFE SA Vocational Education and Training (VET) Result Codes
    D Distinction Used for a unit of competency/subject where levels of performance are assessed and assessments are conducted.
    Is the highest result possible and is awarded against specified criteria in the pursuit of excellence.
    C Credit Used for a unit of competency/subject where levels of performance are assessed and assessments are conducted.
    Is used to recognise high achievement against specified criteria.
    P Pass Used for a unit of competency/subject where levels of performance are assessed and assessments are conducted.
    All learning outcomes of a unit of competency/subject have been achieved.
    PA Pass Achieved
    – non-graded
    May be used for a unit where the levels of performance are not distinguished.
    All learning outcomes of unit of competency/subject have been achieved.
    Previously also used for recognition of prior learning.
    AP* Academic Pass Used only for units of competency/subjects that have a TAFE SA academic requirement component and an Industry Skills Assessment. If student has only successfully completed the academic training requirements and the Industry Skills Assessment will be undertaken in the future academic year, this result code is used. When both components are successfully completed, the student is resulted with a PA, P, C or D. NOTE: AP is not considered as a Final Result Decision
    VP* Vocational Placement - Academic Component of Competency Satisfactorily Completed Used only for units of competency/subjects that have a TAFE SA academic requirement component and an Industry Skills Assessment. If student has only successfully completed the academic training requirements and the Industry Skills Assessment will be undertaken in the future academic year, this result code is used. When both components are successfully completed, the student is resulted with a PA, P, C or D. NOTE: VP is not considered as a Final Result Decision.
    F Unit/course outcomes not achieved Fail Result
    The client has attempted all of the requirements for the assessment and has been assessed as not competent, or as not satisfying one or more of the requirements for the unit of competency or subject. It also is used when a student is enrolled into and started attending a class and then applied for Recognition of Prior Learning.
    MS* Unit of Competency / Subject Started Indicates that the student has begun the study for the unit of competency/subject but will be enrolled in the next Semester or Year to complete and the actual assessment result will be against that future class.
    OB Observer Status, not assessed There are some students who undertake accredited unit of competency/subject where they wish to 'sit in' on lectures and have no intention of undertaking the standard assessment for the unit of competency/subject. This result code was created to accommodate such activity.  The result code of 'OB' signifies that no assessment was undertaken and in order for the student to get status in the unit of competency/subject the student would need to either repeat the unit of competency/subject again and be assessed or undertake a RPL activity in order to determine the unit of competency/subject assessment status.
    RP Recognition of Prior Learning Granted The student has been assessed and recognition of prior learning has been granted for the outcomes of a competency has been granted on the basis of formal training, experience or work.
    RF Recognition of Prior Learning Not Granted Recognition of Prior Learning Not Granted – The student has been assessed and recognition of prior learning has not been granted for the outcomes of a competency has been granted on the basis of formal training, experience or work.
    RW Recognition of Prior Learning Withdrawn The student has applied for Recognition of Prior Learning and submitted evidence however has subsequently decided not to proceed with the RPL Application.
    ST Status granted through credit transfer formal arrangement Status granted through formal credit transfer arrangement.
    W* Withdrew Used when evidence exists that student has commenced study in the unit/subject and at some point during the learning period, officially withdrew.
    X* Successful completion Successful completion of a non-assessable enrolment.
    XW * Withdrawn did not complete class hours Non successful completion of a non-assessable enrolment.
      * Prior to January 2015 these results did not appear on Official Printed Academic Transcripts.
    Result Codes displayed in your student account NOT listed on your Official Academic Transcript
    RE Assessment resulted elsewhere This result code is for use to ensure that a student enrolled in the same unit of competency/subject across 2 or more classes at the same time is only resulted with a final result (pass or fail) once. It designates that the actual assessment result for this unit of competency/subject enrolment is recorded in another class and the entry of RE is kept only to record the student’s attendance in the class.
    NS Did not commence Is not recorded on Academic Transcript
  • Current Higher Education Result Codes

    Current Higher Education Result Codes
    CodeGrade% RangeGrade PointExplanation
    HD High Distinction 85-100% 7 Outstanding, exceptional work in terms of understanding, interpretation, presentation and originality.
    D Distinction 75-84% 6 A very high standard of work in terms of presentation, originality and interpretation.
    C Credit 65-74% 5 A high standard of work in terms of presentation, originality and insight.
    P Pass 50-64% 4 Demonstrates an adequate level of insight and presentation.
    F Fail 0-49% 1 Fails to meet the minimum requirements specified for the subject.
    NGP Non-Graded Pass   This result is awarded when a subject is assessed on a pass/fail basis where a satisfactory level of performance and participation has been achieved. The result may encompass any level of achievement from satisfactory to outstanding, i.e. 50-100%.
    W Withdrew     Withdrew without academic penalty
    Student formally withdrew after census date and before 66% of the study period for the unit had passed. Only to be used if evidence exists that the student commenced study and then withdrew during the specified timeframe.
    MS Module Started     Subject started
    A subject should only be resulted with MS if a lecturer has not completely delivered and assessed the subject within the academic study period.
    This code indicates that a student has commenced study and will be re-enrolled in the following study period to complete the subject and assessment. Fee exemption may be required. Only to be used if evidence exists that the student commenced study.
    ST Status     Status granted Status is credit for study previously completed by a student.
  • Superseded VET Results Codes

    Superseded VET Result Codes
    CA Competency achieved Used where a student has been assessed for a unit of competency/subject and found to be competent.
    CF Competency not achieved Used where a student has been assessed for a unit of competency/subject and found to be not competent.
    CN Competency not yet achieved Used in situations where a standard Fail (Unit outcomes not achieved) result could deter students from continuing their studies. 
    The same criteria as result code ‘F’ apply when determining this result.
    CS Studies commenced, not yet completed Used where a student has commenced study in a unit of competency/subject but not yet completed, the completion will take place in a following class.
    NA Not assessed Used when a student attended a class but no assessment was conducted.
    OY Studies commenced, not yet completed Used when a student has begun study of a unit/subject in one year and the completion of the unit will be done in another calendar year.
    P1 Pass level 1 Used where a student has been assessed and found to have passed the unit/subject at the graded level of 75% or more.
    P2 Pass level 2 Used where a student has been assessed and found to have passed the unit/subject at the graded level of 50 – 74%.
    PP Provisional Pass (School of Music use only) Used for the School of Music students who have completed the first semester of study but no assessment will be done until the end of the year.
    RL Assessment to be undertaken in a future class Used where a student has studied a unit of competency/subject and attended the whole class but will be enrolled in the unit of competency/subject again and the result given in the second class. (Used in Vocational Preparation mostly where students had to do some subjects several times to pass e.g. English as Second Language).
    S Status (Competency Achieved) Status given where a student had previously studied the unit of competency/subject and passed.
    SE Sat for an external assessment To be used where a student studied a unit of competency/subject but also had to sit an external assessment to gain completion e.g. where an assessment was needed to gain a license such as Ship Pilot License, they could not be declared to have passed until the license assessment had been completed.
  • Superseded TAFE SA-wide Result Codes – may be used for VET and Higher Education

    Superseded TAFE SA-wide Result Codes - may be used for VET and Higher Education
    FN Failed Not Assessed The student commenced study in the unit/subject and at some point during the learning period ceased their commitment, e.g. no more attendance/submission of work without officially withdrawing.
    R Result to be advised A temporary code that must be changed to the appropriated unit of competency/subject assessment result code before the end of the reporting year.
  • Superseded Higher Education Result Codes

    Superseded Higher Education Result Codes
    CodeGrade% RangeGrade Point
    DN Distinction 75-84% 6
    CR Credit 65-74% 5
    1P Pass level 1 55-64% 4.5
    P1 Pass Level 1 55-64% 4.5
    2P Pass level 2 50-54% 4
    P2 Pass Level 2 50-54% 4
    1F Fail level 1 45-49% 1.5
    F1 Fail Level 1 45-49% 1.5
    2F Fail level 2 0-44% 1
    F2 Fail Level 2 0-44% 1
    PN Pass not assessed  

TAFE SA’s commitment to keeping your information safe

Verification of your TAFE SA certification

TAFE SA verifies certificates for people outside the organisation to confirm that students’ certificates are legitimate. If you need to verify a certificate, please email your request. Make sure to include the following:

  • Legal identification
  • Signed consent allowing us to share the documentation

TAFE SA will report any potential fraud to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), and South Australia Police (SAPOL) in instances of substantiated fraudulent testamurs.

Personal information

TAFE SA collects and stores the personal information of students to administer applications, enrolments, and academic progress and to provide other services to students. This information is managed following the Information Privacy Principles Instructions issued by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.

All matters relating to your admission, assessment, progress, course completion, learning difficulties, personal needs, and any discussions or negotiations concerning such matters will be treated strictly in confidence. TAFE SA will endeavour to meet your needs regardless of your gender, ethnicity, age, disability, or background, without divulging your personal details unless required by law.

TAFE SA ensures that the personal information it collects:

  • is not excessive
  • is relevant to the purpose
  • is authorised or required by law
  • is as up-to-date, accurate, and complete as possible
  • does not intrude unreasonably into your personal affairs.

Your personal information is securely stored against loss or unauthorised access and is not misused. Under the Freedom of Information Act 1991, you can access your student files and make changes to your personal information for accuracy, completeness, relevancy, or currency.

Your personal information will not be distributed or used for other purposes unless:

  • you have given permission
  • TAFE SA believes using the information is necessary to prevent or reduce a threat to your life, health, or safety
  • the use or disclosure is required by law
  • the use is reasonably necessary to enforce the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935
  • the use is required by law to be provided to other government departments or statutory bodies.

Students should contact their lecturer if they wish to obtain access to basic personal information held by TAFE SA.  However, the  Freedom of Information Act 1991 (the FOI Act) also gives members of the public a legally enforceable right to access documents held by the government (subject to some exemptions), including a right to access documents regarding a student’s personal affairs held by TAFE SA. The FOI Act also sets out the process by which a student (or other member of the public) can apply to TAFE SA for amendment of TAFE SA’s records regarding the person’s personal affairs if the person believes that the information is incomplete, incorrect, out of date or misleading.  

Academic information

Your academic information, including your results, is not made available to other interested parties unless:

  • you are under a contract of training, in which case your employer is legally entitled to receive a copy
  • TAFE SA is directed to provide academic information by a court order or similar
  • you have signed a declaration giving TAFE SA the authority to forward academic information to another person or party
  • you are undertaking training outside a training contract under an employer/employee agreement for which your employer is responsible for the fees and has signed a declaration to that effect
  • you are a minor and the person/s are your legal guardians
  • the agency requesting information is subcontracting the training to TAFE SA, which is required to provide results to the agency.
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