Certificate III in Concreting

National Code: CPC30320
TAFE SA Code: TP01430


This qualification reflects the role of concreters working in concreting operations on residential and commercial projects. It includes a range of competencies essential to the construction industry, as well as specialised skills specific to the concreting field.
The construction industry strongly recommends that training and assessment leading to the recognition of skills in concreting be undertaken in an actual workplace or very closely simulated workplace environment, and this qualification requires all units of competency to be delivered in this context.
This course is only available to ‘existing workers’ currently working in the construction trade as concreters, or those enrolled through a formal training contract (apprenticeship pathway).
Delivery is designed to fit with a modern working environment, allowing students to engage with learning materials either in a classroom setting or online through TAFE SA’s LEARN platform. Assessment activities are conducted within the student’s workplace or within a simulated environment at TAFE SA’s Tonsley campus.

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24 months 
Study Mode
Study Load

Course Admission Requirements

  • You must have a Contract of Training with an employer to undertake this course
Average cost per semester
Total Fees for the 24 month course
You may be eligible for government subsidised training.
Subsidised training may require applicants to complete a Core Skills Profile Assessment (CSPA).

Fees vary depending on subjects you enrol into. TAFE SA and their agents reserve the right to make any changes necessary. Fee updates will be available prior to offers being made.

  • Upfront Payment

    Each semester, fees can be paid online with VISA or Mastercard or at an Australia Post outlet.

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    Payment Plan

    If you have difficulty paying your fees upfront, you may be eligible for a payment plan.

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  • Employment Outcomes

    Occupational titles include:
    * concreter
    * concrete tilt panel fabricator

    Note: Completion of a TAFE SA course does not guarantee an employment outcome. Formal requirements other than educational qualifications (eg licensing, professional registration), may apply to some occupations.

    Qualifications & Skills Covered

    Certificate III in Concreting (CPC30320)
    This course is for concreters working in concreting operations on residential and commercial projects. To complete the qualification, you are required to complete all 17 core units plus 5 electives.

    Note: Students who successfully complete only one or more units of competency but not the full qualification are eligible to receive a Statement of Attainment.

    of TAFE SA graduates are satisfied with the overall quality of training.
    of TAFE SA graduates would recommend their training.

    * 2023 NCVER Student Outcomes Survey findings
  • Below is a list of all units that TAFE SA can offer in this qualification. The selection of elective units you will be enrolled into depends on the campus you attend, and the qualification packaging rules described on www.training.gov.au.

    Not all elective units listed below must necessarily be completed to achieve your qualification.


    Name Nominal Hours
    Apply Basic Levelling Procedures 8
    Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry 20
    Carry out hand excavation 16
    Carry out measurements and calculations 20
    Carry out setting out 24
    Conduct workplace communication 20
    Cure Concrete 16
    Determine concrete supply requirements 56
    Erect and dismantle formwork for footings and slabs on ground 24
    Finish concrete 180
    Handle concreting materials and components 24
    Place and fix reinforcement materials 80
    Place concrete 188
    Plan and organise work 20
    Read and interpret plans and specifications 36
    Select, use and maintain concreting plant, tools and equipment 80
    Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry 20


    Name Nominal Hours
    Apply decorative finishes to concrete 40
    Apply reinforcement schedule 16
    Cut concrete 12
    Repair and rectify concrete 36
    Slump-test concrete 40
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