If you need help with deciding on the right course for you, completing your application or preparing to come to Australia, you can contact an agent in your country for assistance.
Use the search function or select your country from the dropdown list to find contact details of an agent near you. If there are no agents available in your region, please contact us.
The following companies have a global contract with TAFE SA if there are no agents in your country.
All TAFE SA applications must be submitted by agents via Studylink Connect. Paper based applications are no longer accepted. If you already have access, use your existing login details to access your TAFE SA applications. If you are a first time user of StudyLink or have forgotten your login details, please contact support@studylink.com.
Packaged University Offers allows students to accept a joint packaged offer with a local South Australian University, and upon successful completion of TAFE SA qualification, the student is eligible for a guaranteed entry into a nominated University Degree Program.
Forms and documentation for agents to use for Packaged University Offers
Information and forms for applications where students are under 18 years old
The following PDF guides provide detailed information for international students:
TAFE SA offers ELICOS, VET and higher education courses to overseas students. To provide education and training services to international students TAFE SA must comply with rules and regulations required by the Federal Government and the National Regulators ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) and TEQSA (Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency).
The ESOS Framework incorporates the:
Your obligations as our Agent under the ESOS Act are outlined in your Agency Agreement and include but are not limited to:
The ESOS Act requires us to maintain a list of our education agents on our website. To ensure your details are accurate please email TAFE SA International.
Freecall 1800 882 661
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